Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why I love breastfeeding

I've fully breastfed my little baby for a year plus now, something I never thought I'd achieve. Not in a million years.

All I've heard before is how difficult it is, how `leceh', how it changes your body blablabla....

but no one told me the kind of joy it brings! Biasalah.. to give the best mesti require some sacrifice, innit?

But I tell you, I've truly discovered a whole array of `nikmat'.

Here're only some of the reasons why:

  • I get to hold her tight and enjoy the feel of her, the smell of her, in my arms for the 15 minutes I'm nursing her. You know how a year-old doesn't sit still for a second otherwise.

  • She's beautiful and healthy and `tembam'. I love the look on people's face when I answer, 'Oh saya tak campur susu. Susu badan saja.' People actually look at me in disbelief! Heheh... I love that!

  • I also love the consequent question.. 'Eh u kerja kan? So u buat macamana?' And upon nodding, I will launch into my pumping schedule at work, milk transporting and storing tips, how to maintain supply yadayadayada! Questions are welcome!

  • Travelling is sooo easy... no hot water, formula dispenser, bakul what-nots. Just grab a diaper and we're good to go!

  • I have 3 pumps: Manual Avent Isis, Single electric Medela & double electric Spectra 3. Spectra 3 is absolutely my best friend, one of the reasons that made it all possible. Pumping is done within 15 minutes everytime, it's a non-issue.

  • I guess it helps that I have my own office that I can lock and pump, and a fridge to store my milk in. I love when a colleague knocks during that time and asks, ' Mommy milking?' to which I grinned, 'Yeah I'm topless baby, be with you in a second,'. Of course male colleagues will get a different response...huhuhu

  • I've encouraged, entertained and recommended many new moms/colleagues to share this joy I'm feeling and I'm happy to say I have some happy campers on board!

  • Of how it relaxes you. Prolactin is released during breastfeeding. It calms mommy very much.. so that's why you see mommies sleeping on the job!

  • How I found the strength within myself to maintain this journey. I read and read, not really having a real life model to look up to with Abang Google as my other best friend.

  • For the fact that for the first 6 months, my daughter grew up on my milk ALONE. You know how that makes you feel? It's undescribable. You'd have to try it to experience it yourself.

  • Most of all, is of the bond I have with my daughter. As she closes her eyes and falls asleep while nursing, I knew nothing could shake what we're sharing together.


  1. Ila,
    Such a sweet entry...
    I strongly support breastfeeding and wayyy to go, Ila....

  2. You're the mom!!

    I'm not working. Even though I am still bfeeding my Nadeen , whenever I go out she takes formula. Pemalas kan?

    But like Balqis I am intending to nurse her until 2.

  3. i couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for introducing me to spectra 3 it has been 6 months now exclusively. so proud of myself. you'll always be my resource person anytime i face difficulty in doing it. thanks for your encouragement and support.

  4. Thanks girlss..
    dikny - thanks, good to hear you're with me
    ja - no problem, it's never an `all or nothing' case with breastfeeding... good job... i hope to reach 2 years old too
    puteq - my pleasure sweetie, my pleasure
