Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sufya is 7

Today, my firstborn turns 7. Gee whiz.. where on earth has the time gone?

7 years ago today, I was in one of the labour rooms in UH PJ, giving birth to a 3.98kg baby after 14 hours of labour. Doctors had to resort to double instrumentation because of her size - vacuum and forceps, which resulted my post-partum haemorrhage to be close to a litre.

Sigh.. and that isn't even the bad news.

The sad news is my baby girl is growing up before my eyes and before u know it, will be leaving home to marry off the man of her dreams. Sob sob.. and as she turns 7 today, I'll be lucky if I have 20 more years with her as my baby.

Are all mothers like this on their daughter's birthdays?


Thanks aunt Cik Ni...

Technology.. it's only a matter of time now before people are able to publish books in their own backyards..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

For sale

Salam all,

I'm selling my manual pump for RM150, inclusive of shipping and handling. First come, first served, peeps! (Reason: eyeing a gorgeous brand new portable pump ^_^)

Avent Isis + some accessories + some freebies

*Note: Breastpump sold!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sarah is 1

I can't believe it's been one month plus since I last wrote! Tsk Tsk..


My baby girl Sarah turned 1 two weeks ago. Happy Birthday sayang!

At this moment, you are happily taking a nap in your buai, snug as a bug in a rug in your kain batik cocoon, you love eating blended rice porridge with brocolli+chicken+carrot+ potatoes, trying out all kinds of consonants and vowels so very loudly and strongly every chance you get.. that the neighbours can hear you...hehe... and are struggling to take your first steps!

And most importantly for mama, I have never had to buy formula milk for you at all! ^_^

That's right! My breastfeeding journey has reached its 1st year anniversary and I must say I'm pretty proud of myself. Any full-time working mother can agree with me that it isn't easy. It still isn't easy now, milk supply dwindling due to fasting month, less chances to pump while I'm outstation etc but alhamdulillah.. I'm holding on so far! Ini rezekimu sayang. Absolutely no formula milk for you ^_^

Sarah, abah and I hope you'll have fun learning and growing with us and kakak Sufya who loves you to bits. You're such a delight to us with your antics every day. We love you so much!

Hapy 1st Birthday anak mama!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why I love breastfeeding

I've fully breastfed my little baby for a year plus now, something I never thought I'd achieve. Not in a million years.

All I've heard before is how difficult it is, how `leceh', how it changes your body blablabla....

but no one told me the kind of joy it brings! Biasalah.. to give the best mesti require some sacrifice, innit?

But I tell you, I've truly discovered a whole array of `nikmat'.

Here're only some of the reasons why:

  • I get to hold her tight and enjoy the feel of her, the smell of her, in my arms for the 15 minutes I'm nursing her. You know how a year-old doesn't sit still for a second otherwise.

  • She's beautiful and healthy and `tembam'. I love the look on people's face when I answer, 'Oh saya tak campur susu. Susu badan saja.' People actually look at me in disbelief! Heheh... I love that!

  • I also love the consequent question.. 'Eh u kerja kan? So u buat macamana?' And upon nodding, I will launch into my pumping schedule at work, milk transporting and storing tips, how to maintain supply yadayadayada! Questions are welcome!

  • Travelling is sooo easy... no hot water, formula dispenser, bakul what-nots. Just grab a diaper and we're good to go!

  • I have 3 pumps: Manual Avent Isis, Single electric Medela & double electric Spectra 3. Spectra 3 is absolutely my best friend, one of the reasons that made it all possible. Pumping is done within 15 minutes everytime, it's a non-issue.

  • I guess it helps that I have my own office that I can lock and pump, and a fridge to store my milk in. I love when a colleague knocks during that time and asks, ' Mommy milking?' to which I grinned, 'Yeah I'm topless baby, be with you in a second,'. Of course male colleagues will get a different response...huhuhu

  • I've encouraged, entertained and recommended many new moms/colleagues to share this joy I'm feeling and I'm happy to say I have some happy campers on board!

  • Of how it relaxes you. Prolactin is released during breastfeeding. It calms mommy very much.. so that's why you see mommies sleeping on the job!

  • How I found the strength within myself to maintain this journey. I read and read, not really having a real life model to look up to with Abang Google as my other best friend.

  • For the fact that for the first 6 months, my daughter grew up on my milk ALONE. You know how that makes you feel? It's undescribable. You'd have to try it to experience it yourself.

  • Most of all, is of the bond I have with my daughter. As she closes her eyes and falls asleep while nursing, I knew nothing could shake what we're sharing together.